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Got questions about The Toast™? Find answers below or let us know how we can assist you.

All About The Toast

What is The Toast™?
A beautifully curated video keepsake filled with love and best wishes from those special to the couple. It’s a heartfelt and modern way to preserve the joy and love of your special event.
Is it only for those who can't attend?
Not at all! The Toast is for everyone to share their love, whether celebrating in person or from afar.
How does it work?

Here’s how your keepsake is made easy: 

  1. Choose Your Package: Select the perfect fit for your guest list and the length of video you desire. 
  1. Meet Your Concierge: We’ll assign you a dedicated team member to guide you through the entire process. 
  2. We Invite Your Guests: We effortlessly share your event with your loved ones through our app. 
  3. Guests Share the Love: Using simple prompts, guests can record and get creative with their heartfelt messages from wherever they are. 
  4. We Create the Magic: Our expert editors weave those special moments into a beautiful keepsake you’ll cherish forever. 
Does The Toast guarantee everyone will participate?

While we encourage participation with invitations and reminders, we understand not every guest may record a video. The Toast is a special way to capture love from those who do wish to share. 

How is The Toast different from a guestbook/audio recording?

The Toast is a dynamic, visual keepsake. It captures smiles, laughter, messages and all the heartfelt feels from your loved ones visually– things a guestbook or audio recording can’t. 

  • Visual & Emotional: The Toast captures smiles, laughter, and tears – elements lost in text or audio alone. 
  • Effortless for Guests: No writer’s block at a signing table! Guests record in their own time and place, making participation easier. 
  • Keepsake You’ll Revisit: The Toast is a dynamic video keepsake you’ll want to watch again and again, not a book that sits on a shelf. 
What if I have more guests than the included 50?

No problem! You can easily add additional guests to any package. For pricing details, please refer to our Package

Can I see sample Toast videos?

Yes, absolutely! Check out our samples here to see the magic of The Toast in action. 

Guest Experience

I'm not tech-savvy. Is the app easy to use?

Absolutely! Our app is designed with everyone in mind. We also offer email support for those who want extra help. 

What if I don't know what to say?

Don’t worry! Our app offers thoughtful prompts to get you started, from funny stories to heartfelt wishes. 

Can I record my toast with others?

Yes! Group messages add to the fun and let multiple people celebrate you. 

Can I participate if I can't attend the wedding?

Of course! The Toast is a wonderful way for loved ones near and far to share in your special day. 

Logistics & Planning

How long are the finished videos?

The length depends on your chosen package. Our basic package includes a 5-7-minute video, with longer options available. 

Can I choose the music/editing style?

Yes! We offer several options to personalize your video. Let your concierge know if you have something specific in mind. 

Why do you ask for photos to include in my video keepsake?

We love making your Toast video an even more personal and nostalgic experience! Your photos, woven throughout the guest messages, add those special touches that help you relive: 

  • The journey of your relationship (engagement photos, childhood pictures, etc.) 
  • Fun memories with loved ones in the video 
  • The joy of your wedding day itself! 
When will I receive my finished video?

Videos are typically completed within 6 weeks of your wedding. Your concierge will provide a clear timeline. 

Can I make changes to the video?

Absolutely, we want you to love your keepsake! We include 2 rounds of revisions to ensure we capture your vision perfectly. Here’s how it works: 

  • Round 1: The Big Picture – This is for structural changes – adding/removing guests from the edit, adjusting music choices, etc. 
  • Round 2: Fine-Tuning – Once the foundation is set, revisions focus on minor tweaks to timing, specific clips, etc. 


Major changes after these rounds may incur a small additional fee. This helps us manage our editing workload while ensuring your satisfaction. Does this sound fair? 

General FAQs

What's the difference between The Toast and hiring a videographer?

Your guests get to shine! With The Toast, your guests aren’t just part of the audience, they’re part of the story. Their heartfelt messages and genuine reactions become the heart of your video keepsake. The Toast focuses on heartfelt messages anywhere in the world they may be, offering a more personal and inclusive alternative at a budget-friendly price and stress-free. The Toast complements (not replaces) traditional videography for couples who want both. 

Is this a good gift for a couple?

Absolutely! The Toast is a unique and thoughtful wedding present the couple will cherish for years to come. Check out our packages here.